Hey did you see the non-glitter crusted part on the lower left? Subtle huh?
Sorry the pics are so crappy, but I thought the design was funny/clever.
Hey that looks kinda like ketchup, except it doesn't taste like ketchup :P
I did the writing free form! I had fun, that's for sure. It definitely brings back old memories from days of yore when we did lots of crafty type stuff with puff paints.
yay for puff paints! It definitely surprises me that you did that writing free form. Why don't you write like that more often?
You know I ain't a fan...but that shirt is really cute!
You freehanded REALLY nicely!
I like the subtle non glittered part, very tres chic. Talented? Yes, I say.
yeah I'm loving that free hand... where are the friendly plastic earrings? ;)
avann ... down by the river?
CQ drinking tquilla & looking at butts!
Because my dear GM...it took me for.ev.er. to write that I had to think about it quite a bit beforehand and go super slo while doing it so as not to screw it up...too much.
Thanks b.! I appreciate the complement nonetheless :D
Lady, I ♥ it :D
CQ I still have to buy the plastic to make the earrings ;)
You got skillz. Must be something in the genes b/c I've seen CQ's skillz & your mom's.
The non-glittered part is esp. clever.
I love the subtle non-glitter crusted part on the lower left!
So, are you ready to camp outside the movie theater? How many days will you be there? Will you blog while camping?
Thank you Mikelene
Perhaps I will blog while camping. One of my friend's mom's ward's RS I guess rented out a theater for opening night. I asked her if they still had tickets available...if so I'm going there. If not I think I could swing the camping out thing ;)
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