Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Ah Junior Civitans.

HA anywhere else, but where I grew up it would be a community service club, etc. I was thinking about my time in the sorry excuse for a prison, which most people refer to as high school and I remembered a time when I “tried out” for Civinettes...

And thus ensued my first experience with Sorority type groupings. Who else would unite in the name of community service to bait others with snobbery? As in most cases, I was friends with all the different people I wanted to be friends with, but they all fell across various groups of people. I had some friends in Civinettes, but didn’t go up for it Freshman year.

I waited until my Sophmore year. Don’t ask me why, there really was no reason. All I remember and will say about that is that my mother encouraged me to go up for it Freshman year because one of the club officers was a member and she would help “get us in.” That should have been my first clue right there.

During rush week their “try out” time you had to attend a couple different activities, a car wash, a dance/meet and greet, and then (insert scary music here) dun duh duhhhh the interview.

Needless to say in typical me fashion of the time, I missed the dance/social thing, showed up late to the car wash thing, and I don’t really remember the interview except that I knew most of the girls who were “interviewing.” Oh yeah and at the interview you had to recite their motto thingy. All I remember is, “I am a Junior Civitan…” *cricket, cricket*


b. said...

I had to google civitan. And I had to delete and respell it just now when I typed it out!

Deena said...

I went through the same crap. That's why I turfed over the service organization that anyone could join. Not just the girls that thought they were cool.

Methodical Wormer said...

Ew, high school. I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Klin said...

Word verification says it better than me. WV= woomend

It is the ccombination of women mend. And that''s what we do. We mend from our traumatic tryouts in high school where we fail at snobbery- and those other things, too, but who's keeping track?

Physcokity said...

b. it's over rated, just participate in church organized service, you get the same thing only watered down b/c you know you'll remember the person for eternity...;)

Physcokity said...

GM- YAY for Spanish Honors Society! 3 semesters of straights As! and Beta Club...woot! I didn't even do THOT or FCA...I was doing time in seminary ;)

Physcokity said...

Yeah, mostly I just decided not to care, that's why I took a lot of art classes. The teachers liked me...mucho!

Physcokity said...

klin- I never really was into being better than other people. Sometimes you are and sometimes you aren't it's all about give and take, and in the grand scheme of things...I've got the skillz to pay the bilz--no wait that's the skills to make others laugh and feel heard.

Coordination Queen said...

I was already annoyed with people like that before I ever made it in to HS. I can thank GM for that one. But at least I never tried out for that crap... I mean...

Anyway, I decided running a much larger club while I wasn't technically a senior would be much more fun...

I'm glad hs is over... it was such a waste of time.

wv: trial

I guess then knew what I was talking about.

Physcokity said...

haha kinda funny!

Physcokity said...

truth be told i've never really cared for being part of the 'in' crowd I make my own