The intent of IMAX is to dramatically increase the resolution of the image by using much larger film stock at a resolution comparable to about 10000 x 7000 pixels (70 megapixels). To do this, 70 mm film stock is run "sideways" through the cameras. While traditional 70 mm film has an image area that is 48.5 mm wide and 22.1 mm tall (for Todd-AO), in IMAX the image is 69.6 mm wide and 48.5 mm tall. In order to expose at standard film speed of 24 frames per second, three times as much film needs to move through the camera each second.
Translation: More vampy goodness per second...;D
2 months ago
Did you LOVE it?
What did you think?
Wow. So much to say, but for a low budget film that's task was to condense a really detailed romance into two hours while maintaining that same feeling you get from reading the books?
Good job, but it probably has more to do with the fact that I've read the book(s) so I know what the characters are "thinking" even when it's not said.
Rosalie, not the best casting job, but still she did well. Any uncertainties or physical shortcomings of the cast were made up for with a wonderful job of portraying the characters well.
A lot more humorous than I was expecting, I definitely chuckled out loud in a few scenes ie the cleaning of the shotguns...
I couldn't get past Jasper/Edward Scissorhands everytime he was on screen. Too funny.
WOW! I didn't get that at all.
I don't even know where the nearest IMAX thing is othe than in Seattle.
I wouldn't mind watching it again.
You might have already seen where I said my friend's mom said he looked like a total stoner in that first meeting at the house.
I agree those Jasper Scissorhands was pretty cuckoo although his hair looked infinitely better than on the original movie poster, but still it's not saying much.
Apparently some other people thought his hair was g-ross.
lol I wasn't being super judgemental when I went to see it. I've read the book I know how the story goes, the movie was semi-fluff in a sense but oddly enough had less BellaxEdward fluff than anything in relation to the series thus far. Strange but true.
Over all an enjoyable film, mostly I was just super excited I kept squealing/shrieking internally when I got excited for certain parts.
Although I do have to say that one of the things I loved about Rosalie were her shoes in the kitchen scene. Strange but true.
Also the Cullen house? MUCH different from what I was expecting, I dunno maybe I wasn't really paying that close of attention when I was reading it the first two times ;)
Oh my I could go on forever comparing and contrasting, but I'll say one more thing then I have to call it a night. I loved how Bella's klutziness was portrayed subtley, aside from her tripping and slipping a few times. IE her almost taking out Jacob with the truck door, and when she tries to hang her book bag on the chair and it just falls off? Pretty funny.
Umm so pretty much your are saying you want to go with me to an IMAX and watch it again?
Anytime. I was ready to go and watch it again this evening actually. But realized I had committed myself to going to FHE and to visit MW and Co.
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