Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lemon Heads: The Anti-Church Treats

So last weekend was Stake Conference. I was definitely reminded of a lesson that my dear sister who had been away at college taught us all one Stake Conference Sunday.

This sister had learned many valuable lessons while away at school during the year. Some of them she was nice enough to share with the rest of us kidlets younger siblings.

Church Treats.

She educated us on the fact that in order for church treats to be successful you needed to remove them from their original packaging and put them into *ziplox or the like so as to minimize that obnoxiously loud celophane crinkling noise that would inevitably occur during one of the more most quiet moments of the meeting.

For this particular Conference Sunday we decided on those...parfait style and these.

Since these come in a box there was no celophane so we didn't switch packaging.

We rolled in to Conference in the back half as per usual unless you show up 30 minutes to an hour early, but we were in front of one of the TV monitors. Yeah we rolled old school back then. Meh If it ain't broke... In the gym we had two TVs on carts. These TVs even had the sweet wood paneling. I still remember them with a certain fondness. :D


In this particular section, the chairs are all metal folding chairs. There's nothing wrong with sitting on these unless it's for the entire three hours of church, but I digress. So things were going great and the CT rations were working wonders. Church would never be the same. Well after one or two go rounds the CTs were placed on an empty seat between two of the "kids" (let me qualify that statement these kids were about 19 and 20).

A few minutes later one of the kids reached for the now open box of lemonheads and grabbed the sealed end. Normally I would appreciate the ensuing musicality of hard candy on metal chairs maybe even play around with it to see if you could create different sounds when varying certains aspects, this could get very scientific. But Alas, such was not the case.

When the candies danced onto and almost immediately off of said metal chair, all of us had to stifle laughter and of course then there was the embarrassment that followed.

Thankfully no one said anything after Conference was over, but I'm pretty sure they were wondering what the crack was happening and why were they left out.

*That was originally a typo but pretty sure I liked it that way so it stayed. ;)


Deena said...

I thought it was Shawn that dropped the lemonheads on the chair.

Super Happy Girl said...

Next time, wrap the treats in bubble wrap.

Klin said...

SoOo maybe your sister was right and they should be bagged in different wrapping so as to not confuse the kids when they go to pick them up. Just saying ;)

Physcokity said...

it was, but at the risk of making this post five years long I skipped the explanation of how people who we consider close enough to be our siblings are in fact not our from another mother?

Physcokity said...

NCS I like that idea quite a lot, but I think the temptation to pop the bubble wrap would probably be even worse than the musical lemonhead chairs...

Physcokity said...

yeah we have now learned our lesson...all CTs get rebagged...