My 200th post came and went. I don't think I made any big woohoo to do about it. Probably b/c I was too busy dealing with other...stuffs. Anyway let's get down to business here people. Ask me questions! Not that I probably couldn't go on ad nauseum enough to come up with 200 things about me, but when put under pressure to perform, it all runs and hides in the deep dark recesses of my mind...oooh recess. I miss those days. "You shouldn't go swimming around in your mind that is a dangerous neighborhood that you should not go into"...alone.
But I mean it, anything about me you want to know. However I reserve the right to veto questions.
I just have one question for you though which post has been your favorite?
2 months ago
i loved the one where you talked about having your own radio station and being the dj--the pictures were my FAVORITE.
congrats, lady! here's to 200 more!
Ok- that post was a mix of erudite (nice use of the word "ad noseum (sp?) (yeah, I can't even spell it) with Homer Simpson (...ah.... recess...) ha! I wish I was as funny as you.
Um- I liked your last post!
Happy 200! My question is:
"What's your 3 favorite breakfast cereals?... " -Putty
I love the new blog template!!!!
Are you really a lemon chucker in real life? Have you ever considered going pro? The pro-lemon chucking circuit could really use your talent.
I read your baby name post!!!
I know all about the section regarding name choices in Freakonomics. And yet I ran across a blog recently that declares the future name of currently gestating baby to be Harper Lott.
I know. Harp=To nag incessantly
Harpie=Someone who nags incessantly
Harper Lott= A nagging nagger who nags.....a LOTT!
How much did you weigh when you were born?
Where were you born?
Do you know when the Monguls rulled China??
What is your favorite snack food?
My absolute favorite post is where you unabashedly named me as your favorite sister! HAHAHAHA Take that suckas! :p
Thank you Lady Di ;)
As for the favoritey breakfast cereals?
Crunchy Corn Bran
Golden Grahams
and the last one is a tie between
Cinnamon Toast Crunch &
Cracklin Oat Bran
Guess my brand of humor is as varied as my taste in cold cereals ;)
Alas I wish I could chuck a's better than chucking wood. ;) There might be a tongue twister in there somewhere...
I felt my commitment to school outweighed the lemon chucking circuit at the time I was asked to join up, but then of course at the time the sport was losing popularity at the time. I guess I'll never know if I would have been able to help it make a good come back or not...
That poor poor unsuspecting gestating creature! Has anyone alluded to the (let us all hope that it was) unintended meaning that will follow that child around for the rest of it's life?
I'm not so sure that pregnant women are necessarily in their right minds to come up with appropriate names for kids...I'm just sayin' (tongue in cheek that is ;) )
ps I never feel like a spell tongue? correctly
Tori:) In answer to your questions
To get to the other side
Dunno. I don't think I was a fatty...I'll have to ask Lady...
I was born on Captain Jean Luc Picard's ship in one of the left coast states ;) aka Enterprise, OR
"I don't know...I just work here!" Roughly 1241-1368...allegedly, but that claim is unsubstantiated. If you reall want to know ask "Bob" Genghis Khan.
CQ- Snack time? Oh it varies from day to day. Although these days I'm usually game for popcorn especially movie theater popcorn...yes I'm crazy
I also like really good fluffy light weight bread. mmm cinnamon rolls
so basically the the carbs
And caramel corn
I really get a kick out of your "Skimmy Dipping" posts. Is that what they're called? Anyhoo. I can relate b/c I am always reading (or hearing) something & then going, "What the??" b/c I read it too fast, or was only half-listening. EX: I keep hearing radio commercials for a place that's for senior citizens, yet to my ears it sounds like "Date Rape Home", instead of Daybreak. Yes, I am crazy.
I ate a TON of movie popcorn last week while watching "Bolt". I think I'm good for a few months. Carbs are my frenemy.
What is your favorite movie? Or top 5? If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Favorite vacation?
word ver: slystas
Ok. That was reeeeaaalllly long.
Favorite movie??? Oh Cheese & crackers! There are so many so we'll go with some of the most formative...
2)The Princess Bride
3)Pride & Prejudice A&E version
The last one is a three way tie between
5)Harry Snotter, LOTR, & Twilight
This conglomeration of a list probably explains quite a lot ;)
Appraently I made a spot on TV ;)You can see me here Look quick or you might miss me. I'm at the very beginning in a white sweater...
Live anywhere in the world? hmmm I'll have to go with some remote private island.
Favorite vacation: Disney World or the beach or the mountains...pretty much anywhere I can get away and be close to family.
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