My 200th post came and went. I don't think I made any big woohoo to do about it. Probably b/c I was too busy dealing with other...stuffs. Anyway let's get down to business here people. Ask me questions! Not that I probably couldn't go on ad nauseum enough to come up with 200 things about me, but when put under pressure to perform, it all runs and hides in the deep dark recesses of my mind...oooh recess. I miss those days. "You shouldn't go swimming around in your mind that is a dangerous neighborhood that you should not go into"...alone.
But I mean it, anything about me you want to know. However I reserve the right to veto questions.
I just have one question for you though which post has been your favorite?
OK so I've been reading this little gold book. It's quite the gem. It's mostly about positive attitude as a way of life etc. very interesting and everything. I was reading a particular passage when I stumbled upon this little beauty...
"A large part of attitude achievement is the visualization. It's easier to visualize YES! than it is to visualize positive. When something great happens, no one screams, "Positive!" Everyone screams, "YES!!" That's the difference. That's the YES! factor."
With that in mind I immediately jumped on it. I think I'm going to start saying "POSITIVE!" instead of "YESSSSSSSS!"
Apparently Pop Rocks & a Coke won’t kill you, but Diet Coke & Mentos might. These guys made a yit load of money off of their crazy experiments...Best use of Diet Coke
Sooo... Maybe that combo won’t kill you, it just ends with a bad case of the trots.
***IN OTHER NEWS*** My apple tastes like somebody cleaned it off with a baby wipe…*Takes another bite*
I had an epiphany on Monday evening while at FHE on Monday. Giving thanks and showing gratitude are in essence expressions of love or more appropriately another form of expressing love. I think somewhere deep down I already had the building blocks for understanding this, they just didn’t snap together in my stream of conscious thought until Monday.
So thank you for reading this blog about a crazy person, hopefully you find me crazy lovable not crazy get away from me.
Although this edition might be more appropriately named What The Crack Were You Thinking?, OR Just How Much Crack Were You Smoking?
Just go here for the story. It’s lengthy…but I’ll wait.
The Subheadings & Hilights that cause the most concern…
Attaching Meaning-Parents are looking for names to evoke positive memories of places and things that are important to them -- a blissful honeymoon destination(excuse me!?!?!), a favorite relative, a song, a childhood experience (or all of the above). *scratches head*uuhhhh could somebody please explain to me how that one works?
Presidential Names-Jackson, Carter, and Grant are in the lead for boys and Madison, Kennedy, and Reagan are in the lead for girls. On the rise: Lincoln and Jefferson, and Clinton is in the top 1000. (Pretty sure those names were used well before, and even during their respective reigns, but honestly very few presidents in our history would, by my standards, be worthy of bestowing their last name upon my beloved child based on their public service record.)
Customizing or Inventing a Name-"We Googled the name to make sure it wasn't being used for some strange purpose," says mother of Phenix (Whiskey.Tango.Crackhead!), Dina T. of Worcester, Massachusetts. "You never know these days!" (Don’t get me wrong, my name is spelled phonetically, and I like it, but seriously…can you say “sketchy?” Maybe I’ll name my kid that! )
Just Say the Word ie lyric? Sunday? (Oh yeah…that’s not gonna be made fun of!)
All in the Family-Parents are even choosing to let two siblings split or share a name - witness pairs such as Ellie and Nora or Alex and Xander. (Those names are fine, but the logistics behind picking it...that’s where it gets dicey. It actually put me in mind of this...)
I digress.
Foreign Names-Thea and Nyah? (All I can remember is that sports drink catch phrase…”Hungry for life, thirsty for Nya” )
Last Is First-One rocking surname that's been popping up: Jagger…again cuckoo!
Heavenly Creatures-Instead, new creations like Nevaeh (Heaven spelled backwards). Trinity, Genesis, Miracle, and Messiah…I have serious issues with most of these names…talk about giving your kid a complex!
All of the Above
In the increasingly obsessive quest for names that are creative and unique but not too far out there, parents are often following more than one trend or style-pairing a foreign name with a flower, city, or word name, creating a trendy spelling for a surname, or mixing a short nickname-name with a longer, more substantial or traditional choice for a middle name. There are no hard and fast rules - just choosing names parents love and can live with long-term is the, um, name of the game.
***DISCLAIMER: I do not mean to offend. I fully support the use of family names etc whether they fall into this category or not. Some of this just struck me as a little freak show-ish, and people trying too hard to be “different” or “unique.” It’s like that quote goes… “Remember you’re unique, just like everybody else.” Names are important because it’s a big part of who you are and sometimes how you live your life, which is why I feel so strongly about some of these.
By Lester Haines Posted in Bootnotes, 8th March 2005 12:14 GMT
An 18-year-old US student is today behind bars after police uncovered his plot to raise a zombie army and attack his high school. The wannabe Papa Doc Duvalier's chilling plan was uncovered after the youth's grandparents discovered his written proposal for the outrage in Winchester, Kentucky, reports.
Mercifully, William Poole was cuffed before he could execute his macabre scheme. He faces a second-degree felony terrorist threatening charge after investigators discovered "materials at Poole's home that outline possible acts of violence aimed at students, teachers, and police".
Naturally, the fledgling Baron Samedi has claimed that the writings were nothing more than a short story he penned for his English class. He said: "My story is based on fiction. It's a fake story. I made it up. I've been working on one of my short stories, [and] the short story they found was about zombies. Yes, it did say a high school. It was about a high school over ran by zombies."
"It didn't mention nobody who lives in Clark County, didn't mention [George Rogers Clark High School], didn't mention no principal or cops, nothing. Half the people at high school know me. They know I'm not that stupid, that crazy."
Despite his protestations, the authorities have wisely decided to cage the miscreant youth. Winchester Police detective Steven Caudill noted: "Anytime you make any threat or possess matter involving a school or function it's a felony in the state of Kentucky."
Accordingly, a judge last week reflected the seriousness of threatening your high school with annihilation at the hands of the undead by raising Poole's bond from one to five thousand dollars at the request of prosecutors. He is currently reflecting on his folly in the Clark County Detention Center.
I only have one request. Please reread the title of this post in Napoleon Dynamite style …that’s like, a dollar an hour! GOSH!
Apparently my skirt of choice for today is a little thrill seeker. I can’t sit down with out the sucker hiking up about 6-12 inches. Let me qualify that statement by also saying that when standing my skirt hits several inches below my knees. However with this super fantastic lining, and a waistband that likes to hide under my bosom, the hem hangs out about mid thigh.
Even when I hold the skirt down when I sit or even pull it back into the correct place after sitting it refuses to cooperate. Almost as if screaming: “I WILL NOT BE DETERRED BY GRAVITY!” Take this! I mean come on, gimme a break! I want a new job, but not that badly! :(
On this particular site I happened to notice that it documented people's responses to them being rolled and the video itself. I happened to notice this right about here...
I could hardly keep from laughing. My apologies on the swears.
The intent of IMAX is to dramatically increase the resolution of the image by using much larger film stock at a resolution comparable to about 10000 x 7000 pixels (70 megapixels). To do this, 70 mm film stock is run "sideways" through the cameras. While traditional 70 mm film has an image area that is 48.5 mm wide and 22.1 mm tall (for Todd-AO), in IMAX the image is 69.6 mm wide and 48.5 mm tall. In order to expose at standard film speed of 24 frames per second, three times as much film needs to move through the camera each second.
So I read a headline the other day "Woman Who Was Shot in Leg Blames Her Stove" and I couldn’t help but go to read the story. (Curiosity kills this kity waay too often ;) ) It’s a little gruesome, but I’ll share with you.
You’ve been warned.
Woman says she was shot in the leg by her stove A shell may have been in the newspapers she used to light the stove
SEKIU, Wash. - A woman said she was shot in the leg by her stove. Cory Davis told the Peninsula Daily News she had just stoked her cast-iron heating stove Sunday when she heard a loud bang and was struck in her left calf.
Davis said a case of shotgun shells spilled about a month ago at her home and one must have landed in the newspapers she used to light the stove.
She removed a metal fragment herself and was treated Monday at (...get this...) Forks Community Hospital.
(I wonder if she was treated by the favorite doctor in town? Teehee ;) )
HA what a joke. I’m pretty sure I failed horribly struggled in that class. All I remember is talking to my friends. Where was the teacher you ask? Good question. She would talk to us for a little bit every so often. I seriously don’t even remember what we were supposed to be doing in that class.
I only remember reading almost all of the Joy Luck Club, the fact that when everyone else went to Washington DC the kids who stayed behind watched Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet, everyone else got stuck with the lame-o old school version where they had contrasting colored cod-pieces that had the effect of a neon sign (Kinda creepy!), and talking endlessly with the two other girls who were in the back of the classroom about Prince’s Kiss video and Dharma and Greg.
Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So-If you give her any crap, you will receive a ton of $h!t.
I don’t know why I like this movie, but I do. Even though Phil Hartman’s character is the total embodiment of the Anal Retentive Chef at times. It makes me laugh. So without further ado, check it.
Mi Madre… “Lady” (how she got that name is another story for another time) has a home business and as a result we had all kinds of people come to our house over the years. One of my favorites was a very nice lady who was seriously like a live Barbie doll...tall, tan, and blonde. She was a teacher and also did some modeling, this later resulted in MW and I getting a few lessons in modeling etc. I had fun that’s for sure.
This was during the SA years when we lived at the pool during the summers. The only reason I remember this is because we had this game that as kids when one of us passed gas you had to put your thumb to your forehead, with palms open and call out the name of a fruit and the last one to do so…I really don’t remember what the “consequences” were or if there were any really. I think the last person to call just got “blamed” for it? No clue.
Come to think of it, this lady, Living Barbie, actually spent quite a bit of time over at our home. One particular evening when she was over, I remember we were hanging out in the kitchen and somebody flatulated and us girls out of habit reacted. She put her thumb up to her forehead and asked, “What’s this?”
We explained the game to her, and all I really remember was her saying, “Papaya…Do I have to eat it?”
I bought myself one of these the other day. I’d been thinking about doing so for quite some time. Then again, I was also deterred by the fact that I thought it looked like a cheese grater.
Post purchase, and completely engrossed in my curiosity, when I got back home I used it right away. It wasn’t quite the experience I was expecting.
It wasn’t that bad at all, actually. I think I might have found a new hobby to occupy my Wednesday nights.
At least until my feet are supple.
No this was not paid for…oh how I wish though.
I’m just fascinated by it and how it works.
*Sidenote: While looking for the perfect picture of a cheese grater I happened upon this little beauty.
HA anywhere else, but where I grew up it would be a community service club, etc. I was thinking about my time in the sorry excuse for a prison, which most people refer to as high school and I remembered a time when I “tried out” for Civinettes...
And thus ensued my first experience with Sorority type groupings. Who else would unite in the name of community service to bait others with snobbery? As in most cases, I was friends with all the different people I wanted to be friends with, but they all fell across various groups of people. I had some friends in Civinettes, but didn’t go up for it Freshman year.
I waited until my Sophmore year. Don’t ask me why, there really was no reason. All I remember and will say about that is that my mother encouraged me to go up for it Freshman year because one of the club officers was a member and she would help “get us in.” That should have been my first clue right there.
During rush week their “try out” time you had to attend a couple different activities, a car wash, a dance/meet and greet, and then (insert scary music here) dun duh duhhhh the interview.
Needless to say in typical me fashion of the time, I missed the dance/social thing, showed up late to the car wash thing, and I don’t really remember the interview except that I knew most of the girls who were “interviewing.” Oh yeah and at the interview you had to recite their motto thingy. All I remember is, “I am a Junior Civitan…” *cricket, cricket*
So last weekend was Stake Conference. I was definitely reminded of a lesson that my dear sister who had been away at college taught us all one Stake Conference Sunday.
This sister had learned many valuable lessons while away at school during the year. Some of them she was nice enough to share with the rest of us kidlets younger siblings.
Church Treats.
She educated us on the fact that in order for church treats to be successful you needed to remove them from their original packaging and put them into *ziplox or the like so as to minimize that obnoxiously loud celophane crinkling noise that would inevitably occur during one of the moremost quiet moments of the meeting.
For this particular Conference Sunday we decided on those...parfait style and these. Since these come in a box there was no celophane so we didn't switch packaging.
We rolled in to Conference in the back half as per usual unless you show up 30 minutes to an hour early, but we were in front of one of the TV monitors. Yeah we rolled old school back then. Meh If it ain't broke... In the gym we had two TVs on carts. These TVs even had the sweet wood paneling. I still remember them with a certain fondness. :D
In this particular section, the chairs are all metal folding chairs. There's nothing wrong with sitting on these unless it's for the entire three hours of church, but I digress. So things were going great and the CT rations were working wonders. Church would never be the same. Well after one or two go rounds the CTs were placed on an empty seat between two of the "kids" (let me qualify that statement these kids were about 19 and 20).
A few minutes later one of the kids reached for the now open box of lemonheads and grabbed the sealed end. Normally I would appreciate the ensuing musicality of hard candy on metal chairs maybe even play around with it to see if you could create different sounds when varying certains aspects, this could get very scientific. But Alas, such was not the case.
When the candies danced onto and almost immediately off of said metal chair, all of us had to stifle laughter and of course then there was the embarrassment that followed.
Thankfully no one said anything after Conference was over, but I'm pretty sure they were wondering what the crack was happening and why were they left out.
*That was originally a typo but pretty sure I liked it that way so it stayed. ;)
For my coworker’s birthdays we decorate their cubes, usually with balloons and streamers and some confetti. Well let me draw a little picture…
This particular go ‘round was JS’s b-day. After a couple days of the decorations being up he decided he would be funny and punch that purple balloon off of the corner of his cube in my direction. He had to hit it a couple times before it came loose, and when it did it gently bounced right in front of my compy screen providing total blockage into my cube.
Then it hit me.
No, not the balloon.
I had an epipha-tree. “Lighting has struck my brain.”
No. Not really, but I quickly grabbed my handy can of compressed air and took aim at the closest Spongebob figurine and fired away until he crash landed on my coworkers desk. I had Nosy Neighbor & AM laughing pretty hard at that.
I think that about sums up my current dilemma. To stay in the sandbox or to return to the land of my fathers? Most of you aren't in the position that I'm in so I understand that that definitely changes one's perceptions of the two choices.
If I stay it would be mainly because I have quite a few friends here, however lame or not they have decided to behave ;). I finally found a place that seems semi-stable with also semi-stable roommates. Well at least they don't think I'm in the mafia, and have it out for them.
If I go home I would in all likelihood be able to get my affairs in order on a truncated time table, always nice to have more time at your disposal, or at least the freedom to do some other things I've wanted to do for a long time, but that's another post for another time.
Anyway. I don't think that this would effect any of you personally I would still keep the blog open, at least from what I can tell at this point. I see no reason to "shut 'er down." OH who can name where that one comes from?
I liked it. I snaked it. A. Attached or Single? Single B. Best Friend? I have several...apparently that concept is lost on me. :D C. Cake or Pie? Pie. Hands down pie...this is also quite messy D. Day of choice? Thursday E. Essential Item? WATER. Good tasting water that is. F. Favorite Color? Blue in every shade, tint and hue...almost G. Gummy Bears or Worms? WORMS all the way! H. Hometown? South Cack-a-lacky I. Indulgence? Chewy Sweetarts it's making my mouth pucker right now. Or fresh ripe strawberries J. January or July? July...just not in the sandbox K. Kids? I love them! L. Life is not complete without? love, music, blogs :D M. Marriage Date? CR article A N. Number of brothers & sisters? 3 sisters, tres bros O. Oranges or Apples? lady apples or honey crisp P. Phobias? scary movies Q. Quotes? Be believing, be happy, don't get discouraged, things will work out. (Gordon B. Hinckley) R. Reasons to Smile? there is always at least one :D S. Season of Choice? Spring T. Tag some Peeps! For that I'll need marshmallows and a tagging gun ;) U. Unknown Fact about Me? There are several ;) V. Vegetable? Jello! W. Worst Habits? Too much blogging! Not enough exercise! X. X-Ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound...X-Ray...depends on what it's for either is tolerable, unless your eggo is preggo "I've got a bladder the size of a shot glass!" Y. Your Favorite Food? Home made Z. Zodiac Sign? Bull Baby
Don't forget to vote! My *personal opinion is that if you don't vote you don't have the right to complain. So get out there and be "heard." Oh yeah don't forget about proposition 8 for the Californians and YES ON 102 for Arizonans(sp?) Whatever...Just vote!**
*I originally got that one from GM, but that doesn't change the fact that I agree.
**I want to be more inspirational but being straightforward is better less time reading my post = more free time to hustle your buns to the polls!
A couple years ago in my singles ward, there was a time when almost every Monday evening after FHE this one kid (I never learned what his name was, weird but true) would end up playing the piano. He would inevitably play Bohemian Rhapsody, which in my book earns him mad rad points.
I surprised myself though. I was able to sing the whole thing from start to finish every.time. Of course there were other people who would sing along because that’s just what we would do.
A year or two later one of my friends said that she always thinks of me when she hears that song. :D
Bohemian Rhapsody is one of those songs that no matter how hard you try you can’t not sing along when you hear it, at least for me. That’s what cracks me up about the sandbox. It’s populated enough that they have several different classic rock stations, and no lie they will usually play Bohemian Rhapsody or We Are the Champions or some other well known Queen song, but those two are usually the most frequently played.
I will sing it all out whenever I hear it in the car I did this the other day when BonBonz and I were cruising around in the Jeep. She likes classic rock as much as I do, and I was completely into it. I was even belting it at the stoplights. :D As a matter of fact at the last stop light I guess I was doing such a good job that when the light turned green BonBonz was the only one to move right away. It was fabulous.
***Updated to add*** Also something I find to be funny is that the day I composed this particular post, I went with thesetwo to the SYTYCD tour show. When Mark did his solo it was to Bohemian Rhapsody. If it weren’t so loud in there I think I would have made a spectacle of myself by jumping up and doing a little karaoke. Your thoughts?
For putting up with this post you will be rewarded.
Soooo, you know how faceb00k has those weird little adds and junk that mingle themselves in seemingly inconspicuous? Yeah they really don't blend in that well, but what-ev I'm just glad I can disapprove of the ones I don't want to see.
Anywhoodles. I'm a bit of a Sci-fi/Action Adventure/Fantasy nut. I blame it on attribute it to growing up on Indiana Jones & Star Wars. I also ♥ me a little mythology. I would even watch Hercules and a little Xena Warrior Princess, before the show starting jumping a series of sharks. But while doing a little light stalking catching up with some old friends I noticed one of these ads so I checked it out and to my surprise it actually looked like a goodish show.
This was not paid for...although sadly I wish it were. I just thought it was too good not to share.
Here's what I did last weekend with some of my IRL girl friends.
Hey did you see the non-glitter crusted part on the lower left? Subtle huh?
Sorry the pics are so crappy, but I thought the design was funny/clever.
Hey that looks kinda like ketchup, except it doesn't taste like ketchup :P
I did the writing free form! I had fun, that's for sure. It definitely brings back old memories from days of yore when we did lots of crafty type stuff with puff paints.