Monday, November 17, 2008

Freshman Honors English

HA what a joke. I’m pretty sure I failed horribly struggled in that class. All I remember is talking to my friends. Where was the teacher you ask? Good question. She would talk to us for a little bit every so often. I seriously don’t even remember what we were supposed to be doing in that class.

I only remember reading almost all of the Joy Luck Club, the fact that when everyone else went to Washington DC the kids who stayed behind watched Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet, everyone else got stuck with the lame-o old school version where they had contrasting colored cod-pieces that had the effect of a neon sign (Kinda creepy!), and talking endlessly with the two other girls who were in the back of the classroom about Prince’s Kiss video and Dharma and Greg.


Deena said...


sew hot said...

I thought you got to go to Washington DC.

wv: shniz

Physcokity said...

We did go to DC that was my favorite part...did I not mention that? All the kids who stayed behind got to watch the newer version of R+J...

wv: frogedo

Physcokity said...

yeah what GM?