We see complaints all around about the economy…and let’s face it, I’m feelin’ it myself. However, to think that there is some type of quick fix for the situation that we have gotten ourselves into is delusional. We are now reaping the rewards for the so called quick fixes. We were warned a while back to get out of unnecessary debt and get our financial affairs in order. Knowing what we do now, is it any wonder why we were counseled to do so?
I think the only real fix for such times as these is self-discipline, facing facts, and being realistic. You cannot live off of credit forever. Eventually you have to pay the piper, and unfortunately that means peter piper and I will be parting ways; but thus is the harshness of reality. Learning to decipher between wants and needs.
I think too often people have a hard time delineating wants from needs. It’s not too difficult. Needs are the basics, essentials needed to sustain human life. There are only so many. Money, sadly, is the tool, which we use to obtain most of these (food, water, shelter, clothing, etc). That is unless you are super resourceful and grow or make your own, although the shelter thing would be a hard one to get around. ;)
But I digress.
Wants are limitless.
The main thing of this soap boxiness was simply a cautionary statement. Use logic when people talk to you about such things, especially when they sound too good to be true…they usually are.
2 months ago
I totally agree. Good post SJ.
I concur with glittersmama's comment. Amen sistah!
Why don't your new posts show up on my newsgator account?? :(
Ah, you're preaching the gospel of Dave Ramsey. It is really hard to do the want/need thing when you have kids though. Really. Do they NEED Kung-Fu? No. Will it make them strong and able to defend themselves? Yes. I have other examples but I'm just too tired to process.
Easier said than done about sacrifice but we are trying.
That's a little too extreme for my intent. Should people be healthy? Yes it's in the Word of Wisdom (me thinks...or atleast a primary hymn) I feel that is not solely limited to the physical aspect either.
We need exercise the mode through which you choose it is of course up to you...YAY agency!
The main want versus need is directed at the sickening excess people go through to keep up with the "norm" despite their financial limitations...
Newsgator =Teh lame...jk I have a news reader set up but never check it, b/c usually by the end of the day I've checked most everyone's blogs...
Are you calling me an extremist??!!!???
Extremely my hero!
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