Thursday, October 25, 2007

It had To happen Sometime...

With my new recent obsession, the upcoming holiday celebration, and the fact that that picture of me in my new boots was more than a little off putting...partly due to the exceeding whiteness of my skin....I just had to know. This is what I came up with.

You Could Definitely Be a Vampire

Immortality, staying pretty forever, not having to get a job... you could definitely eat some flesh for these things.
It's not that you're a murderer by nature. In fact, you're probably the furthest thing from it.
However, if you woke up a vampire, you'd certainly be able to adapt and enjoy your new lifestyle.
There might not be much better than living forever, even if it means giving up your normal life, but then again it's probably not that normal anyway.

What you would like best about being a vampire: Being with others who are just as ridiculously good looking as you are

What you would like least about being a vampire: No one could fully appreciate your sparkling personality

All I have to say is come and get me ;D


Deena said...

Only if I had to...

Physcokity said...

hehehe it's all good in Mr. Robinson's hood ;)