Sounds lame right? Well today at work I was handed this lovely little info packet about different street suffixes from the USPS. I thought yeah yeah yeah I've heard it all before...
Highway Hwy
Drive Dr
Boulevard Blvd (Not to be confused with BVDs..."I go everywhere in my BVDs")
Circle Cir
Street St
Trail Trl
But I never knew about these STREET SUFFIXES
Alley Aly (The suffix most commonly used by cats, dogs, thugs and speakeasies)
Annex Anx (This one is for the ambitious dictator types)
Arcade Arc (For those obsessed with Pac-Man)
Bayou Byu (No comment)
Bottom Btm (Talk about getting AROUND)
Divide Dv (Where Math majors live)
Forge Frg (For the miners, & smithys)
Forks Frks (I thought this was a town? Not only that but the abbr looks like it says freaks, is that considered irony or just a bizarre coincidence?)
Loaf Lf (This is where the bakers & lazy people live)
Oval Oval (For those who are too cool to live on a circle. Wow! what an original abbr.)
Overpass Opas (For that homeless guy you gave your cup holder change to. Bet you didn't know he had permanent residency there did you?)
Passage Psge (Who thinks up this stuff?)
Prairie Pr (Where the cows go home.)
Radial Radl (For the best tires in town!)
Ramp Ramp (As in off ramp or on ramp? Nice abbr.)
Stravenue Stra (For the ultra modern roads. Aren't these designed by Donatella?)
Trafficway Trfy (Hello Captain Obvious!)
Underpass Upas (For the drunks and vagrants)
Viaduct Via (Yes I live on a railroad bridge)
Hopefully you at least chuckled at some of these. Or maybe the monotony of work has finally warped my brain beyond compare. Meh laugh now, muse later.
2 months ago
I want to live on a loaf. Of bread that is. With a dog named Loafy that falls through the floor.
I want to be ultra cool and live on the oval. :D
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