Crap cakes... I was never really fond of playing regular old tag, I prefer sardines and crazy silly games like that. However, having been raised in a house of two recreation majors, you always play the games even if they're not your favorites. So in honor of being a good sport here it goes...
A is for age: 24 what's funny is that half the time when people ask me how old I am I don't remember I really have to think about it
B is for breakfast: Fresh pineapple, ginger snaps, and a handful of supplements
C is for career: professional obsessive compulsive in accounting
D is for dog's name: I wish I had my own but I still claim the family dog Emma & MW's, Cody, as he is almost more excited to see me than BL these days ;) I have also been given permission to claim two more precious puppers PH & DZ I love them all!
E is for essential item I use everyday: toothbrush, floss
F is for favorite TV show: Alias.
G is for favorite game: chicken foot
H is for hometown: Columbia, SC
I is for instruments I play: used to be a little piano, but it got stepped on so now I have to use the regular sized one
J is for favorite juice: pomegranate
K is for kitchen, what color is it?: some off-white eggshell, ecru, yada yada yada
L is for the last place I ate out: Applebee's
M is for Marriage:
"Mrs D, Mrs I, Mrs F F I, Mrs C, Mrs U, Mrs LTY-"
N is for nickname: BBC, SJ, etc.
O is for overnight hospital stays: Thankfully only shortly after I was born.
P is for people I was with today: 26 & counting
Q is for quote: “The less you felt, the louder you proclaimed your selfless love and servitude to others, in dread of ever letting them discover your own self, the self that you betrayed, the self that you kept in concealment, like a skeleton in the closet of your body. And they, who were at once your dupes & your deceivers, they listened and voiced their loud approval, in dread of ever letting you discover that they were harboring the same unspoken secret. Existence among you is a giant pretense, an act you all perform for one another, each feeling that he is the only guilty freak…”
R is for regret: letting little things bother me.
S is for sport: I can watch any sport live not via TV. To play, I prefer non-contact sports.
T is for time I woke up today: 6:23...LATE!
U is for favorite piece of undergarment: My black biker complements of keep my thighs from making out like two hormonal teenagers.
V is for last vacation I took: what's a vacation?
W is for worst habit: preference for hermitage
X is for number of xrays: too many to count! Yay for the teeth!
Y is for yummy food I ate today: Carolina's, fresh pineapple, ginger snaps.
Z is for zodiac: Taurus
2 months ago
Did you forget your favorite quote? You can claim Sophs & Dogzilla too if you want.
"to keep my thighs from making out like two hormonal teenagers." ROFL. That is hilarious!
thanks for being a good sport.
what is my favorite quote?
"Yes it is Rose"
"Juice Tiger"
I got million of em
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