Monday, August 20, 2007

Tales from the Peanut Butter Kid

OK this afternoon, craving a little sweetness, but mostly that rich kind of buttery flavor rather than just straight sugar. I rummaged through my random foody drawer at work and surfaced with a few tasty items: Cavities in a Can & Graham Crackers.

It was ok, but it still lacked that needed salty, buttery goodness. Again I disappeared into the dark recesses and emerged with the holy grail...popcorn you ask? Think again ;)

I realized the most efficient way to acheive the same effect would be to use these and just dip in the afforementioned cavity in a can.

mmm... With tasty thoughts like these I'm gonna need one of these....


Deena said...

Nutter Butters dipped in chocolate is good.

Physcokity said...

yeah pretty sure I'm not that original, b/c apparently they already came up with it, and it looks like they have products with that all arranged, except I like the fudgy goodness as opposed to the milk chocolate.

Coordination Queen said...

Maybe I will buy those nutter butters... jake just likes them with cheese... i know he's weird, but i still love him. :)

Physcokity said...

Jake would anything covered in cheese...