So it dawned on me last night on the way home from a social gathering…I want someone I can talk to about more than who’s dating who and hair color, etc. I’m tired of the superficial. Maybe I am just missing that college atmosphere where people discuss ideas and theories a little more, and they talk about things they’ve learned and the applications thereof. I didn’t think it would ever come to this, but I miss being in school. My brain craves the stimulus of an academic challenge. TEACH ME!!!
Don’t get me wrong, these people are not stupid & I do enjoy their company, it’s just that I want to learn something new, and be able to talk about things that don’t make me feel like an outcast for having said them. I need to meet people with a mentality that has graduated from High School…..
2 months ago
Do you hang out with a bunch of high school grads? Little Worm doesn't count because she's cooler and more thoughtful than the majority of college graduates.
Try joining a book club or something... hmmm let me think a little more on this one.
I wouldn't even care if I learned more about stuff I'll never apply, biology, physics, ok bad examples, even though it's not conscious application I use "biology" daily ;) Or I could learn about auto mechanics, how to fix cars not the guys. ;) OK so pretty much anything you learn there is some use for whether its winning a game of Cranium or using it to fix things around the house.
Okay, this is me delurking.
Just wanted to warn you that sometimes people in their 30's and 40's can still be the way you described. I've learned age is pretty irrelevant to finding quality, interesting people--it's more about life experience.
Good luck on your quest and let me know if you find anything that works.
Thank you so much for reminding me of this! I was never really caught up in that type of mentality, ok maybe for a brief period in high school. I was up on all that celebrity gossip, but for the most part I never really cared what other people were doing, although if you asked me I knew. It's amazing what people will divulge when they think no one else can hear them. I think deep down I just always knew that there were more interesting things in life than the superficial.
yeah for the most part they are fun to be around, but when it comes to conversation it revolves around TV and gossip, they haven't continued to stretch their mental capacities.
maybe they've exceeded their mental capacities? ;)
(A) No one can ever exceed their mental capacity, especially since we reportedly use 10%. That would be a sad day indeed. ;)
(2) Although tedious at times, the low mentality can be good for a laugh.
(D) I am slowly finding people who's brains are not on hiatus, but it just takes time because you have to sort and sift a bit.
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