Wednesday, July 18, 2007


A few handy tips (no pun intended) to tell when you need a new over the shoulder boulder holder...
(1) The elastic threads are poking out all over the place.
(2) It's no longer the color it used to be.
(3) You're afraid to make sudden moves for fear of bottoming out.
(4) Your underwire makes more cameos than your cleavage.

If you have any other suggestions you would like to add feel free to comment.


sew hot said...

It's hard to throw away something that looks like it still has life. However, if they meet those standards I'd say "dead and should be buried". Maybe it will be ressurected as somethig more useful. A double cupped wheel barrow! A couple of pre-dug holes(some a little shallower than others)! Earmuffs on a cold or snowy day! Noise mufflers- Hey contact Bose they have a new model maybe they want to add to the line.With the proper rigging might be a back up parachute. Hey the uses are there necessity is the mother of invention.

Physcokity said...

Honey if your ears are that big, you just ignunt ;)

Deena said...

I think you have enough good ones to justify a toss!

Or you could just put the George Foreman in your bedroom.

Physcokity said...

Just what I wanted...burgers for breakfast...I'll settle for Turkey Bacon ;)

sew hot said...

How come your blog plays music? Mine is silent reading like the library.

Physcokity said...

If you want me to show you how to get yours to play music I can just call me after work and I'll fix it for you sometime this weekend... I have all access hehe