Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Close Encounters of the Third Kind?

OK despite the obvious overdone blog topic of public toilets, I'm going there anyway.

What is it that makes people feel they are exempt from flushing? I mean seriously, if you don't want to touch it, use your foot, you have two. The only excusable reason somebody would need to get out of the restroom that quickly is if the building is on fire.

"I can't balance" you say? Well, there are four handy walls well within an arms reach and in most public toilets they have that oh so convenient all metal protruding handle just screaming to be flushed by your foot. It's not like you have to get tricky by using only the tip of your toes as you would if it were a normal household style toilet. One rudimentary lift of the leg should cover it.

Also, if there's a plunger in there, there's probably a reason, move on to the next one! Oh and if it just so happens that you are the reason why that plunger is in there, feel free to clean up after yourself ;)

And as always be sure to check the stall for adequate paper before parking to avoid the ever embarrassing "Can't spare a square" scenario, the reaching of the hand under the neighboring unoccupied stall like some monster in a horror flick, or worse yet...the air dry. ick.

Happy Parking!

1 comment:

Deena said...

Any situations in the bathroom lately?