Did I ever tell you about the time some guy drew my picture? No? Well here it goes. One evening this particular dude had invited me over to hang out. No big, we had hung out before.
On previous hangy-outty occasions it was established that we both enjoyed drawing, although I draw differently than he does. I look at the blank page and draw what I see there in the paper. Kinda like that one dude in Heroes, but I don't need any drug induced hallucinations to do it. I'm just that crazy. It comes naturally to me.
He draws what he sees or to attempt specificity more realistic, non-idealized things. I'd seen some of his previous sketches or pieces as it were and they weren't too bad. Well he'd invited me over and he had found some game cover and other inanimate objects for still life inspiration for our drawing session. I had actually picked back up on a previous sketch that I had been working on.
When I draw I get very engrossed in the work that everything else kind of gets tuned out. It barely registered to me that he was drawing, until my mind wandered briefly from the work in front of me, and I was suddenly hyper aware that he was drawing a picture of me as I was drawing. I had not yet seen the drawing, but I just knew that he was. It was an awkward feeling to say the least.
When I reached a stopping point, he informed me that he had decided to draw me instead of the inspiration pieces. I think it freaked me out a little more than it flattered me...not gonna lie.
"That woman was me........And the artist? PabloPicasso."
Your reward for sticking through this post with me?
I was gonna post a vid of this but couldn't find it...bummer.
2 months ago
Well the experience was unusual, how was the drawing? Maybe you were his muse!
I'm friends w/your sis, CQ, & I hope it's ok that I comment. When I saw the title, I totally remembered that SNL skit--so funny w/MM always in the bathtub--& the original cartoon that was on Pinwheel (I think). And the song is now in my head.
New job: muse. Maybe? Does it pay well?
It was a pretty good likeness...
lol word ver:
maybe it's a sign?
Welcome Mikelene! Cheeky bum looker! Yeah I was kinda shocked that I only found the original show on you tube :( What is this world coming to?
A friend drew a picture of me once, and it was HIDEOUS! Did I REALLY look that bad to her? :/
Sounds a little kinky or maybe my mind is in the gutter but I thought of Titanic...
Nancy Face, Did she tell you she spent two hours on the shading for your upper lip? If not I think you're OK and SHE needs glasses ^OjO^ ;)
Yeah...that thought crossed my mind...don't worry I was drawing too aka no clothing optional moments...as a matter of fact after that point in time I wondered if I had ENOUGH clothes on...ok that sounds even dirtier scratch that What I meant to say was I should have dressed for a guest appearance on deadliest catch ;)
...full body armor although that brass bra looking thing might have the adverse effect...Wonder Woman it is!
How much does a muse get paid? Probably not enough to live off of, immortalized in a work of Art? Pretty sure Mona Lisa paid to have her pic "taken" and neither she nor Leo saw the $$ from that one. It's truly a tragedy(sp?) my brain's off on extended vacation.
If the artist you are a-musing is of the wealthy sort, then perhaps you could make some $$. One of my brothers posed for some work, & I think he got a pretty good deal out of it. I've never seen the work, so I wouldn't consider him "immortalized". And have you seen the real Mona Lisa? I have: it's small & non-impressive. Too bad Da Vinci isn't still alive to get any royalties off that "code" movie named after him.
LOL word ver: amersin Makes me think of the upcoming potus election. Obama=amer(ican)sin
Ok. I'd better go eat something non-sugary now.
That's what you get for carelessly letting the neckline of your silken formal gown slip down seductively from your shoulder while you're sprawled out on a bearskin rug in front of a roaring flame. The way you tossed back your shimmering locks of the blackest ebony as you suggestively wielded a drawing pencil was probably too much for this poor guy to resist.
When my oldest was a Sunbeam, I was her teacher.
She drew me as a stick figure. And then the girl next to her informed her that it didn't look like me and told her that to be me she had to draw it much, MUCH bigger.
What did she know? She picked herself "down there" during the Primary Program and she was a scab scratcher/eater.
They moved away to Boston. She's 13 now. I wonder if she outgrew all that.
WOW! Well, when you put it that...I don't think even I could resist... ;)
You could always look her up on fb to see if she is still just as socially as inept as ever ;) Just you wait one day someone, maybe even her own kidlets will repeat those same words to her, and she'll wish/realize her parents should have taught her better...on soo many levels ;)
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