Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pardon Me While I Quit Making Excuses For Myself

Yeah I've been doing lots of complaining lately and some heinous pity partying. I'm at that nervous stage before I start school again. The one where you're so nervous/excited by the anticipation of an upcoming event that it might actually compromise bladder control.

So I'm going to be off for a few days trying to get my act together so that when school starts I'll still be enrolled. ;)


Klin said...

It will be okay. Once you get started your nerves will calm down. Trust me. I had 4 kids when I went back.

Anonymous said...

Nervous? That's not productive.

Attack it with gusto!!! Go forward and create your future.

(Bobby G.)

Physcokity said...

Yeah I figured that I would probably calm down a little once things get started, but truthfully this week has just been quite stressful which really doesn't help too much.