or uh, somethin' like that.
I've had this song stuck in my head for quite some time, and I even know the words now. What I think is teh awesome about this particular vid is how many yootoob videos etc it references.
It's pretty good stuff!
Sorry the linky wasn't working before...we're a go now!
2 months ago
The more you eat the more you toot.
We sing this every time I serve beans with dinner. Any kind of bean.
Then hubs quotes Shrek and says, "Better out than in I always say."
It this the track you wanted me to take your post on? Tee Hee
lets eat beans for every meal...
I've been forbidden to serve beans on a day when Jake has to go into work the next day... :)
Pweetty please?
I was thinking right along the same track as Klin! ;)
Klin- I remember when we were kids that song was somewhat not acceptable in our house...don't why, what with all the other potty talk going on over the dinner table... hahaha
CQ-NIIIICE I bet that he smells worse than the product he works around....hahhahahahaha
NCS- your request has been granted!
Nancy- too bad we can't all meet up again for & night of Mexican food and "band practice" ;) ok so that was kinda gross
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