Did I ever tell you that I had a blind date at church? I did. It sounded like a totally safe idea at the time because there's no pressure to talk when you're in church...always a plus for me. Although repeating that now sounds a little blasphemous now. Oh well if I didn't get struck for it then, I'm probably OK. But I digress.
My date showed up just before sac. Let me preface this by saying that he had asked if I wanted to attend his ward or mine. I said mine, which was probably not the better of the two options, but I had made a prior commitment which prevented me from attending when his ward started.
We walked in together and sat down, he didn't sit too close which was nice, but we didn't talk much as mentioned earlier. Sac is not social hour...although there are some who demonstrate otherwise. So sitting there I was wearing flip flops and had my legs crossed. He reached over and slapped it off my foot from behind. Oh yes, it went flying forward. I was completely embarassed. Thankfully we were sitting in the sinners and horse theives row(aka the back row), so I retrieved the shoe with little ado.
The remainder of sac was not very eventful other than I noticed he kept staring at my hands which were folded neatly over the hymnal in my lap.
After sac we headed to Sunday School where he told me that he was making dinner for him and his roomies, and would probably have to leave early. No biggie. I don't remember anything about the lesson other than who was teaching. I have "old people" scriptures. The bigger than the standard ones. They're the size that you get when you're an HP I think it's a rule of some sort ;)
I was sharing with him because he didn't bring his, he had reached out his hand to look read along as well.
OR SO I THOUGHT! With both of my hands positioned under the book and one of his under it as well he kept touching my hand! I was so flustered I couldn't even focus on what was being said! Me with my limited experience was all Is he trying to hold my hand or what!?!? If he is I'll let him take it...I'd be okay with that.
He went in several times for the kill, but never successfully executed. I was not positive at the time that that was his aim, but had it confirmed several weeks later when talking to him about it. Somewhere in there he also said I had "hot" hands. I'm thinking he meant hot as in hawt not like sweaty nasty.
Take that for what you will.
I still laugh about it.
2 months ago
Oh dear heavens.... too bad I'm not still single or I could show you the ropes... :)
That is a SAFE date, I guess. How about a real date!
Wait...can that be the end of the story? I want more! ;)
Many, MANY, M-A-N-Y moons ago, some guy tried making out with my hand. It. was. so. weird! :0
VERY safe date. So... then what happened???
There's a new couple dating in our ward and the lady basically lays on top of him all thru sacrament. It bugs- but I'm probably just jealous. 1/2 the time there is 3 kids in between Sei and me- if he's not working.
I'm still bugged about him flipping your shoe off? It sounds like he's 10 years old.
Um yeah I kept wondering about that, but I didn't want to be the one to make the first move...this is why I'm a klutz and still had to have other people point out stuff like this b/c I usually didn't recognize it at the time.
LOL I forgot about the part where we were supposed to have gone out the day before, but he had to cancel on me. :( so that's what we ended up doing instead.
Yeah there was no hand molestation... :S There are several other stories to tell etc. I was just reminded of this one recently so I had to share. :D
That happened a little over two years ago.
OK laying on top of each other through sac...sooo not cool. Seriously I don't care how hormonal you are. Holding hands can suffice for three hours.
Yeah I was a little miffed about that one, but I figured it was more of a flirting mechanism than anything else. I was just thankful it took the pressure off having to talk and awkward gaps of silence that tend to haunt blind dates...:D
Besides if you're going to church (I'm hoping) that the last thing from their mind is making out at the end or something of the like which tends to happen on regular dates.
Oh who am I kidding? These are 20 something single guys, that thought is probably there most of the time anyway.
That's the thing though. Most people who "know what they're doing" are already married which makes me laugh a little on the inside.
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