I wouldn’t consider myself an eavesdropper, however I find that being something of a people watcher I also listen to others more than I talk. Combo that with being quite shy, and what you get is me not really saying a whole lot around people who I’m not close friends with. However the rub really comes when I do feel comfortable with people. Because I am still listening just as much as before, I somehow feel it’s ok to express my opinions and enter into conversations in which I am not always welcome…or at least my opinions aren’t. Thus leaving me feeling like I’ve got tourettes or something like it.
Speaking of tourettes the other night at FHE I was walking through to another room and people were lining either side of the hallway and talking to each other across the walking area, so in order to make it slightly less awkward I said “What’s up?” loud enough for those around to hear, yet kept walking. I kept walking because I wasn’t really trying to start a conversation or anything, like I already said I was trying to make it less awkward. It was at that moment that I realized that what had happened was in fact similar in nature to when people who have tourettes spout obscenities or something completely off the wall and people just dumbfoundedly stare.
So I asked my friend a little while later, “Do you ever feel like you have tourettes when you say hello to people?” She giggled and then said she in fact did feel that way as well from time to time.
2 months ago
Let's go ride bikes.
wv: becha
Hold that head high and walk right on through like you own the world. Then it is only awkward for them. :)
Seriously...let's bike it
Good call I'll keep that in mind the next time I try something like that...
If you bring your tiara they can bow down to the queen.
I see you have a DB Boulevard track on your playlist. We LOVE their song Hard Frquency!!!
I don't have Tourette's but I might have some sort of Diarrhea-Of-The-Mouth affliction.
It's just sad, really. I get so uncomfortable talking to new people that I start talking about really weird oddball things and I can't sem to stop.
Church: The place where I feel the weirdest of all.
I try to be on my best behavior when Sunday rolls around but I often fail.
I think that next time you should pass silently through the crowded hall.....while moonwalking.....or doing the funky chicken.
OOH I like that. I'll dress like punky brewster and top it with a tiara
I LOVE DB Boulevard! I'm only sad that they haven't hit mainstream...or maybe I'm glad they haven't would want to ruin a good thing ;)
I too suffer from the runs of the mouth. I try to be sociable but I just end up looking more socially inept...me and Einstein...maybe I should take on the same hairdo...only dyed in electric blue, green, and pink. Then people might understand I'm
1. A Genius
2. A musical genius and kick-A movie quoter
3. A freak of nature, but loved for my style and "finesse"
This is my dream world...and I live in it :D
Church is relatively easy for me. I just keep my yapper shut for the majority of the time except for singing. ;) Maybe it's because I'm in a singles ward and it's easy to keep a lo-pro b/c I don't have others in tow like a mama partridge. Although I've often wondered how I would look sportin' the Shirley Jones/Flo Henderson 'do...imagine that in electric blue! With pink tips ;)
OOOH I like it! Maybe I'll take a cue from Lauren and do the pigeon dance!
OR I could go Cronk style and sing my own theme song while struttin' it out like on the catwalk...cue under the gun...
I'm loud and silly and outgoing, so it never even occurred to me that I might very well be coming across as having Tourette Syndrome! :0
I don't really think people believe I suffer from Tourettes...I enjoy every minute of it! ;)
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