Why do you do this?
Not only have they taken away every.last.thing. that I have done and helped to achieve over the past year, but I am now expected to be ok with that on one day’s notice. Top that with the fact that all of my blog friends are still on vacay. Talk about rough. I can’t even laugh my way through this endless mess of helplessness and frustration. I shake my fist in your general direction…(not your direction, just that of the offender.) I’m trying to be open and mature about this, but something inside me just wants to be completely rude and surly and simply say, “If that’s really what you want, don’t come cryin’ to me to fix it!” or possibly, “Don’t let the door hit ya’ where the good Lord split ya!”
I’m done.
…at least for now. :(
and yes I was listening to Princess Bride on yootoob...
2 months ago
I beg your pardon.
I am your blog friend.
I am not on vacay.
I have no idea what you are talking about, but I'm a good listener...so..email me.
ummm...how do I get you my email addy without giving it to e'rybody else?
Here's what I don't get. They tell you you're so great at what you do and pretty much you're the best. Then they change your job? Sounds like some not so great managing.
Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! OR maybe a little &*($&@#*$^@*&(!!!#**&$&^@#&#$*@)#(8) is in order??
Oh, and I'm back. :)
b. You are right and that was very rude of me. It's hard to remember all the good things I've got goin for me when things get all craptastic and everything.
As for the email I'm thinking the contact button down on the bottom of my main page should work...if not lemme know!
Yeah that's still kind of a mystery to me which I have about ten to twenty different hypotheses for. All of which seem to intersect at one point or another.
Believe me Tori there were a few %s & @#!s on the brain for this particular situation. I can't say as I've ever been so upset by a work situation. Definitely not fun. I'm usually pretty slow when it comes to the treadmill and everythign but I ran 2 miles in 25 minutes (something of a record for me) and managed 8+ mph with out feeling like I was going to collapse. Yeah I burned off quite a bit of stress this afternoon.
YAY exercise.
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