Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Welcome to my random musings

As I have figured out recently that I have a lot more time on my hands than suspected, I decided to finally take the plunge...not that one ;) Starting my own blog. Whilst it may not be so interesting as that of mi familia I figured I'll at least find something funny to write about. This will also serve as the perfect place for my anonymous musings which I can freely express without added drama of the people in the situation etc.

I work to be drama free but let's face it everybody's got it. I have found that people crave drama. Simply look at all the reality based television. There's your answer. The slightly lesser known & seldom spoken accompanying thought is, "so long as it's not mine." With that in mind let me spew forth random dramas from my life for your enjoyment...because after all it's not yours ;)

1 comment:

Deena said...

wahoo! snoobis jones. i love you.