The other day whilst running errands with The Mom and MW, we came across this random stand/trailer in the Dollar General parking lot of all places. Although now that I think about that the two go semi-hand in hand. The reason we stopped was because they had elephant ears. Upon closer inspection ie when I was purchasing one of said ears, I noticed that they also had two other favorites boiled peanuts and shaved ice. Upon reporting this to GM she said, "It's a trifecta!"
I love being home again. :D
2 months ago
The elephant ear was good, but where was my shaved ice? I think this warrants a trip to sno shiz.
Yes, please, to the elephant ear and shaved ice (if it's TRUE shaved ice, not the crunchy snowball stuff).
No, thank you, to the boiled peanuts. I just don't get the fascination with 'em.
GM- I'm down with a trip to the Sno' Shiz if you are.
Mikelene- I guess like circus peanuts it's kind of an acquired taste.
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