As previously meantioned, I have a penchot for certain children's TV.(...Comes with the territory). From time to time I sift through and delete old episodes or ones that tend to annoy more than others. Well in today's little sifting, sorting, and deleting process, I watched one of my personal favorite episodes. I'm pretty sure that this particular segment is the only reason it is still saved on the DVR. Be sure to watch at 1:45'ish. Actuallly watch from that first mark to about 2:20, and then again at around 5:40 to the end. Otherwise the frame is so shaky that it provides for rather craptastic viewing.
Please note the nifty little Gondolier statuette, but for all intents and purposes in my little schpiel here, looks a bit like Mary Poppins pointing to the chalkboard ie TV heading the viewers in the right direction. How suggestive. hehe
On another note, I think that these little snippets also effectively sum up most women's relationships with chocolate.
Happy Chocolate Day!
Apparently the official chocolate day is noted here.
2 months ago
Um, I've been thinking a lot about you over the last few days...sure wish YOU were here!!
I really should have hidden in GM's car. ;)
I need a closet cleaned out enough to get in to eat my chocolate.
Lady- we'll work on that tomorrow
Ok wait one minute.
It was chocolate day and NO ONE told me?
Never fear NCS! There are several days for celebrating the gloriousness that is chocolate, fortunately for us, they all end in Y. ;)
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