Monday, May 25, 2009

I've Been Busy

I'm sure you've noticed the subject of posts has changed as well as the frequency of posting. No real biggie, but let me show you what I've been up to throughout the week and most of my Saturdays.

During the week I tend to a small herd of 3 children and one horse, of the Shetland pony variety dog. Needless to say I am gaining some mad skills in multi-tasking.

On Saturdays I have taken to improving my surroundings, sadly I didn't have the foresight to take the before pictures so all you get are the afters, but I think it will give you a pretty good idea of what I've been up to.


Coordination Queen said...

The flowers are beautiful! So do the kids ride on the pony? ;)

Physcokity said...

Baby A sat on him a couple times, but when the pony was laying on the floor and pony didn't really appreciate it too much.

Deena said...

I hope those hydrangeas get really tall and full!

Physcokity said...

GM- me too but right now they are crashing and "burning" a little bit, we'll probably have to do some relocation of plants though b/c dad cut down the tulip tree yesterday. :( hopefully we'll be able to get saplings from the cuttings I took.