Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'll have a Cup of the uhhh...

Rum Raisin. Yes, that quote comes from a very much lesser known and even lesser watched movie, Corky Romano.

Earlier this evening whilst doing some light blog stalking perusing. I realized that there was some annoyingly long website trying to open instead of just blogger. Well imagine my surprise when I realized that it had to do with the list of "followers" I had on my side bar. I investigated this and not only does it show who's following YOUR blog, but everyone else's blog that THEY follow and all the blogs that YOUR followers have. I must say, I'm definitely not a fan of this. I feel like it's a total invasion of privacy, and makes blog stalking that much more accessible.

I know.

I know.

I can always take this show in Tina Turner's foot steps and go private, but let's face it, I'm just too lazy busy right now.

Anyway, after trying and not very successfully might I add to rectify this annoyance, the following clip came to mind...

Since yootoob fails again to provide quality Pie-ray-ting ;) I've scavenged the quote
Paulie Romano: Get me a cup of the, uhh... rocky road there.
Ice Cream Vendor: Sir all of our flavors are on that sign there.
Paulie Romano: Oh, then just get me a cup of the pistachio.
Peter: Paulie, come on already.
Paulie Romano: Shut up.
Paulie Romano: [back to ice cream vendor]
Paulie Romano: Okay just get me the rum raisin then.
Ice Cream Vendor: The sign.
Paulie Romano: What are you lookin' at, huh? You suck. You suck suck suck.

*Blogger this one's for you...Well at least the first :51 seconds ;)

*I do not condone violence, however I felt this to be rather fitting, especially since I couldn't find my first particular scene of choice.

In any event I've eliminated the widget from my sidebar with extreeeeeme prejudice, and will be switching a few things around.


Super Happy Girl said...


I have only clicked once on that "who's following you" thing on my dashboard, when it was brand new.
I have never given it much thought since then, I subscribe to my friends blogs for them, not for myself becuase that's not how I follow blogs (I do it through a newsfeed).

But now that you mention it, yeah, I don't see the point.Whateva.


Physcokity said...

Yeah I thought it'd be cool to have it up so I can see when I go to my page who's admitted to reading, I know there are plenty who don't fess up, but still it's mainly annoying because I've set up my browser to notify me of certain things, so my compy doesn't get social diseases from wandering around Teh Internets, and with all that nonsense up I have to click through about five windows before I can view a blog page.
