So last night I had another semi-psychotic dream. OK so maybe my pen name isn't really that bad a descriptor but on with the story. So it was your average run of the mill dream which included some random assortment of friends from my ward and some that I just know from around the area here. I had gone camping and we were playing mini-golf in some really weirdish outdoors area, aka the woods and in some muddy area.
I was about to make the very last putt of the round and was approcimately a foot and a half away from the hole when one of said friends started commented that I was taking so long that there was no way I would miss the shot. For some reason this started others to talking. It was then that the scene started to change and the party of accompanying people did slightly as well. I found myself the same distance from the hole, but I was now in my parent's back yard. Not the new one, but the old one, with all the dead grass in it. Guess which blogger made a very brief cameo in my dream this time? People continued to chatter rudely whilst I was trying to finish up my shot which was completely distracting.
It was about then that I noticed a few spiders near the ball, so I tried to look away and wait for them to get out of the way because they weren't climging on me or my club, so I was just going to let them get out of the way. mistake#1. Mistake #2 started about two seconds after that genius decision when I was looking around to take in my surroundings a little bit more. ICK!
In doing so I noticed that there were other similar spiders and they seemed to be appearing at random but never too far from where I was or where I looked. It was really creepy and gross, so naturally I tried to run away or just get away, but they still appeared wherever I turned to try and escape their presence. It was then that I officially flipped out.

"Follow the spiders? Why can't it ever be follow the fluffy white bunny?"
I started backing away and stupid me there was something ropish looking nearby that was running across the backyard which I tried to grab on to in hopes of escaping said creature's presence, but dice. After grabbing said ropish thing which turned out to be a... power line? I'm still not even sure about that statement as it didn't shock me when I grabbed it, but then again the wire was coated and it was a dream. So after futiley reaching for an escape the only thing that happened was, another spider appearing on the rope where I was reaching, and I couldn't get away from it.
Needless to say, it was at this point I decided waking up would be highly beneficial to my mental health for the next 24 hours or so.

so now that you have an early start to the day, what are you going to do?
Wow. No more pizza before bed time!
Sounds like you and Glitter had the same dreams last night. She woke up crying like five times.
CQ I went back to sleep four hours was definitely NOT ENOUGH. I thought about being ambitious, but sleep overtook me in the middle of planning. Oh yes I also caught up on a few blogs ;)
NCS you're probably right. All that crazy superbowl sunday food, coming back to bite me in the imagination.
GM I'll wager you won't be complaining about her decrees of "It's morning time" at 11 pm any more though will you?
I hate spiders.
My dream last night included going shopping with Annie.
Before I even scrolled down far enough to see the pic, I thought of that HP movie with Aragog (was that his name?) & his spider family. Gives me the heebies just thinking about it. Seriously. No more spicy food before bed!!
...and I bet it smells like cotton candy.
Do your dreams usually mean things? I see a lot of possible meaning in it.
Heff your dream definitely trumps mine!
Mikelene- I thought about putting his picture up, but when I was looking for one I couldn't make myself do it. I was too creeped out... 8|
Annie- Unfortunately my dreams haven't quite reached smell-o-vision capabilities yet ;)
MW my dreams are usually some freaky-deaky combination of the previous day's events, thoughts, revelations, etc.
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