Can anyone name that movie?

In answer to the former question, I have been stuck in books, among other things. I’m not quite sure why I’m on this reading kick, maybe gearing up to go to school again? I knew I enjoyed reading, but this is like an obsession. Like I can’t read enough. In the past few weeks

I’ve read about fifteen books, and am in the middle of five or six, and have another ten to go, and all this among trying to figure out my life’s direction for the next few years.
Sorry I’m not trying to brag about my “feats of leisure reading,” just state the facts of my current addiction.

Reading is definitely a good thing, but I’ve got quite a lot to get done in these next few weeks. It’ll definitely be something of a trying time for sure. Especially since the weather feels all spring like down here in the sandbox. It’s 78 outside right now and the birds are chirping. I can almost hear the park calling my name and my stack of books to come out and play.

As my never ending to do list seems to keep growing in length

I’m sure that I’ll be busy enough with out the reading, but it’s a great escape in and of itself.
In trying to find some good pictures of reading I did happen upon
this particular list of facts.

Definitely something to think about.
That is definitely an interesting list. Gratefully I do not fall into any of those categories. I think I have a book permanently attached to my body. I feel at a loss if I don't have one to read. Pathetic, I know.
Ohmygator I have totally been immersed up to my armpits in books lately. Besides all the books I am reading for school, of course I have to read ALL THE SUPPLEMENTAL READING I CAN GET MY HANDS ON! AND I am pregnant so I want to read millions of books about birth and so forth. You would think with my third pregnancy I would have read all I need to know, but there are sooooo many good books out there. Oi. Sorry I had to vent a bit. I have to take a break from reading every now and then. That is how much of it I do.:)
MIss you bytheway.:) And keep me updated on your school situation I am so curious!
Those are some scary facts.
So what are you reading? Maybe I should read some of what you are.
That article made me sad. "1/3 of high school graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives."
I had just read this post (Complusive Writer) it's like the universe is trying to tell me something.
Right now I am reading "The Graveyard Book" by Neil Gaiman (Coraline). I have a long lost in my book queue. YAY for books!!
ITA with Klin, whatcha readin?
I'm impressed with how many books you've read lately! :)
That list is SCARY.
I love reading. I haven't had as much time to read as I would like to lately though.
I say, enjoy reading while you have the time to do it, because there may come a time when you really want to read and don't have the time and energy to give to it.
15? Holy moly! Impressive!
CQ- It's not pathetic. Regardless of how "fluffy" the reading I'm glad to be busting something of a mental sweat and stirring up some creative imagination. I still get fully lost when reading a good book :D
HL- I have also added a couple books which were recommended by you as well. The first being that book about the car race back when cars were first invented, and Gracie. Although it might be a little while to get through them. I still have to "proof" read some books that I'm planning on gifting to nieces and nephews. ;D
Klin- I think I was more depressed/saddened by those facts than anything else, honestly. What a waste, and also great testament to the fact that a lot of people simply rely on hearsay rather than finding out for themselves.
As for my list of recent reads...The ones I might actually recommend would be The Once Upon A Time Series. Several different authors have rewritten the well known fairy tales from the first person perspective (ie heroine's) except it is the "true" version. There is some element of magic or mystery involved it's just slightly different from how we grew up believing these stories went. But I have found that I enjoy a good story regardless.
I've read The Storyteller's Daughter, Beauty Sleep, Before Midnight, and I'm finishing up Belle
Sorry for the long winded response, for a more complete list you can browse check out my "WeRead" app on FB. Although I would definitely recommend rereading if you haven't anytime in your "adult" life A Wrinkle In Time. It makes for some interesting spiritual insites(sp?) at least for me.
I actually want to read the rest of the series now.
Nancy- What is really scary is the amount of c-r-a-p that some of the books I picked up were filled with. I was shocked by the amount of homo-secks-uality that some of these books held as well as where they draw their magical "elements" from as in straight up witchcraft etc those I set aside.
Definitely DON'T read the Luxe series. Those girls have fun princessy dresses on the cover, but I guessed the ending of the 480+ page book within the first 70. That and it's filled with depressing endings and a ton of premarital secks.
Heff- Thank you for the encouragement. This has also made me think twice about when I have kids. I want to know wwhat they are reading, so the goal is to read what they read or at least be well aware of what's contained within the pages of the books they choose to read.
Thanks Tori :)
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