This virus warning is genuine.
There is a new virus going around, called "work." If you receive any sort of "work" at all, whether via email, internet or simply handed to you by a colleague...DO NOT OPEN IT.
This has been circulating around our building for months and those who have been tempted to open "work" or even look at "work" have found that their social life is deleted, the blog role shrinks, and their brain as well as their blog ceases to function properly.
If you do encounter "work" via email or are faced with any "work" at all, then to purge the virus, send an email to the man with the words "I've had enough of your crap... Father Al WILL NOT stand for this! I'm off to teh internets." The "work" should automatically be forgotten by your brain. If you receive "work" in paper-document form, simply lift the document and drag the "work" to your garbage can. Pull up your favorite chair and mouse pad and clickety on the nearest blog reader where multiple posts have appeared and await your snappy, poignant, and/or snarky remarks. After repeating this action 14 times, you will find that "work" will no longer be of any relevance to you and that "Strong Bad Emails” and “Teen Girl Squad" are the greatest cartoons ever. EVAH!
Send this message to everyone in your address book. If you do NOT have anyone in your address book, then I'm afraid the "work" virus has already corrupted your life.
Pure genius. We'll have to send this one to the man & blind copy Father Al!
5 weeks ago
Okay, that is pretty funny. Too bad bloggin' doesn't pay the bills. THAT would be the life.
Oooh... thanks for the warning. I'll stay away from work!
HAHAHAHA! I try not to let anything with "work" written on it enter my house... since I am here all day long it works out pretty well. :)
Seriously if I could blog for a living I just might do it...
Sadly I have to be around the "work" I wish it could be avoided, but alas I'm knee deep in it....
Father Al will love you forevah.
Teen Girl Squad, w00t!
HSR is one of my pet favorite sites to visit. It has provided me with some pretty good laughs over the years...
Be careful because "work" comes in many disguises (ie. costumes) and can sneak in the front door when you aren't paying attention. Some of it even hangs on the front door knob or dropped by, by strangers.
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