Alrighty, so after some random person was sounding off about how Valentine's Day aka VD as I call it, I knew it was bunk, so I decided to resort to good old fashioned researching. I was reading this article when I cam across this particular sub-heading and statement: "Relics and liturgical celebration The flower crowned skull of St Valentine is exhibited in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome."
I think that their new slogan should read, "Ed's not just a trend, it's a tradition."
...Although in light of my referring to Valentine's as VD, maybe love kills slowly really is the apt slogan for them.
5 weeks ago
you make me laugh.
You are so wise.
Thank you CQ.
Carrot I really try to share my moments of Wiz-dumb or enlightenend genius as I prefer to call it with others so they don't walk around with egg on their collective faces...Although maybe having a little egg on your face is the newest fashion statement I haven't heard about yet? ;)
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